Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 days straight!!!

mood: lesu selesu lesunya

music: lyn lagu sejiwang mungkin??

LETIH!!! tu la yg nk ak jerit dlm seminggu nih. betapa penatnye, campur dgn bdn yg kurg sehat lg... ~_~ nk suh org urut bdn ni jer... =_=*
gile rase sngt la bisa2 dan sengal2 otot...nk kate keje berat, xde la berat sngt....tido lebey? nehii~
skg aku da bgn awal je kejenye..(bangga!!)..hahaha

hadeyh~ besok bgn pg, shif pagi...masuk kitchen lg..dan esok aku sorg la plak!! T_T

p/s: gaji da nk masuk pa'din...bersabar ye!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

cuti 2 hari

mood: seperti mau mnjerit atas bumbung

music: hey soul sister, train

dpt cuti 2 hari, n aku mmbuangnye dgn tnpa aktiviti yg best...*sighh*
pe ak nk bt ptg da pg bt inventori closet ak...adding shoes collection ngan jeans...
abes la dlm RM 200...haiyoo~ ttibe rase mnyesal lak....

tp aku prlukan mreka...asek pkai yg lame jer smpai da rabak yg lame tu...okeyhh, time utk tuka yer pa'din!!

hri ni ujan ptg...dan aku ttibe jer ade kat luar, g tngk mendung berarak brkumpul kat puncak alam nih..dgn angin yg lalu, aku rase agak tenang, walaupun ade kilat kat luar!!! cuak gak tp tahankan kejap la..semate2 nk tngk awan tu kumpul!! huhu (+_+)

p/s: seb baek x kene sambar petir, kalo kene sah bnyk dosa!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

kisah kursus perkahwinan part 2

mood: sengal2 perut

music: gelak dgn tune yg berbeza

hoho~ sepatutnye da masuk smlm entry nih, tp perap jap..psl smlm ak jd trsangt la mls plus kepenatan...smlm kan exercise lg dr pg smpai ptg kan..huhu

ouhh, smlm pnye kursus boley la dkatakan da smpai satu tahap di mana aku sndiri da xbley nk gelak..sakit perut n naik semput aku gelak...yg hr sabtu pnye blum hilang lg, da kene sambung smlm..hadeyhh~ =_="

xtau la kebetulan ke atau mmg sngaja dbuat, semua penceramah yg dtg adalah dari suku jawa...bru aku conclude smlm!! yela, rse mcm best la gak....hihi

anyway, segala input dlm ceramah tu aku msti kene ingt smpai bile2..msti!!!

p/s: sijil akn dpt dlm mase 2 minggu...okeyhh~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

entry kedua mlm nih: the curve

mood: burppp!! kenyang dan mngantok
music: da xlyn, mate bagai ditarik2 utk pejam!!

mmg btul la pe org kate...selagi x pegi selagi tu la asyik trtanya2...=_="
saya jd jakun plus hepi sekejap ( knape aku jd sopan nih?) ble mmber ajk g the curve..pergghh!!
kampung benor le aku nih..haha~
dorg ajk lepak psl da pnt g kursus ptg td, so dgn jayanye lepas solat magreb kami brlima ( diorg bwk awek, ak jln sorg2!!) g la the curve sane..
mmg cantek ar, sampai sane jammed!! shaiiit!! lupe ni mlm minggu..hoho~ pe lagi, tahan sabar dan tahan kentut la. kekekeke

da tuh, misi utama x lain x bkn adalah utk melawat IKEA. ceh!! ikut jela kan, org da nk bwk...nk g sndiri mmg hampeh ler nk g sane...buang mase walaupun dlm hati da melonjak2 nk suh pegi!!
ikutkan sampai sane aku mmg da kebulur tahap org somalia. "wey kwn2, korg x lapar ke? hadeyhh!! nk suh ak trgolek depan kenny rogers ke baru nk ajk mkn?" hoho~ cmtu la ayt yg hampir nk trkeluar td, tp sempat d tahan oleh tgn aku...sungguh kurg sopan yer ko pa'din.

akhirnye, g gak diorg mkn..fuhh~~ lega hati aku. g mkn bkn tmpt mhl pun...g kat foodcourt IKEA tuh. mkn style western. so ngan pntas aku pun mngoder aper yg femes kat ctu. pilih2 mne nk mkn, last2 aku tibai meatball set. nyum2~~ 10 biji meatball aku mkn x sampai 5 minit!! tu tnda aku mmg lapar giler!! okeyh, aku tau aku buruk lantak!! haha~ pedulik pe aku.

pas mkn, smbung ronda2 dan balik dlm 11.30..da, ak mmg x beli pe2 kat sane...cme tngk interior design ngan display room decor diorg. aku da set dlm hati " aku nk decor umah aku mcm ni nnt!! yess!!"..haha!!

p/s: okeyyhh, aku rambang mate td bile tngk bhn interior design ikea!!! so eksklusif tp aku still x mmpu lg.wuu~ (>.<,)

kisah kursus perkahwinan part 1

mood: nervous + super excited.. haha (^^)

music: bunyik keroncong perut yg ta brekfes...aisey~

haha...gile!! tu yg ak jerit dlm hati, tp kat mulut aku mnyanyi2 bagai dunia ni aku yg punye. haha
ala, g kursus kawen kot...bkn mnda luarbiase pon, tp aku ttp eksaited giler..huhu
awl lg ak da bgn, dlm 7.30 siap2...mndi, gosok baju sume...nk g mjlis ilmu kene la pkai formal kan..apela, kan elok bgitu.

tp tngk kwn2 ( ak g psl pngaruh diorg la!!) lek selambe je pkai jeans ngan kemeja..ceh!! lantak la..
diorg g ngan pasangan, tp aku dgn gamble abes g sorg2...huhu...lyn beb!! da sudanye ak kuar lmbt psl tnggu kekasih mreka brsiap..well, ak stakat mnumpang je kan..nyahahahaha!! (>.<)
so, sampai2 trus sign in (cam hotel check-in), dpt le fail yg brisi satu pen, satu note pad, jadual ngan buku pnduan...

tp majlis hr ni mmg best sesangat!! haha...kire arini aku brsenam smpai ptg!! =_="
mane taknye, mmg x berenti ketawa, ade jer lawak yg keluar dr para penceramah..mmg salute la kat diorg. aku suke!!~~ huhu

dan yg pasti, aku mmg kene la sampai dua kali...dan ak ttibe jd org yg agak brani hr ni...selambe jer mnjawab walaupun aku tak tau btul ke tak pe yg ak ckp tu..pening2~ huakkk!!!
da mmg btul, adrenalin aku mmg berada di paras maksimum hari ni...mngkin ade faktor yg bt ak jd camtu...( dan ramai lak gadis yg aku perasan dok jeling2 aku!! wey, tego la kalo berani pa'din~)

p/s: kpd apis dan aris, ak jeles ngan korg...time rehat jer ade org lyn korg...aku jer yg lyn diri..huhu

Friday, March 26, 2010

di mana hatiku?

mood: kecamuk sedikit

music: -

jam da tunjuk 1.30 pagi...dan aku masih dalam keadaan resah..
ni sume akibat perasaan aku yg brkecamuk sedikit skg nih...
nak kate mngantuk, mmg da mcm nk trpejam mate nih, tp hati nih ngah bergelojak,
ala2 angin mndung ptg td... =_=,
mmg rase mcm nk mnangis aku kan llaki..kene jd cool walau pe yg trjadi

bodo la kalo ko still nk mncuba suatu yg x mustahil tp sukar ko nk dpt dgn care yg ko gune skg ni wahai pa'din!! ( ni aku yg no due tulis, bkn aku yg nyata!!)

mmg trase mcm sewel la kalo asek nk mlyn jiwa cmni..boley parah aku nnt!!
tp, mnde nih msti dtg dgn ttibe tatkala aku nk mrase suatu kebahagiaan...gile ah!!

oppss!! ak da nk mula tu la pe yg ak rase mlm nih...sebolehnye aku nk brteman mlm ni tp hampeh...sume mmber da tdo..chaiss!!! seko2 brselimut ( ngah sejuk skg nih, almaklum pas ujan)

xpe ah...ak ley lepak mnda yg ptt..
atleast, i've been brave enuf to say what i want to say...
and the rest, i'll let the time judge it..

p/s: impressive pa'din!!! wooott~ 4 ya!! haha

Thursday, March 25, 2010

malam malam malap!!

jom kite tutup lmpu ramai2 this 28th march 2010!!

kite bergembira, melihat lampu yg malap..berdansa di bawah lampu jln..
(kan bagus fantasi aku ni mjadi, hehe)

fiuhh!! kene keje mlm plak sok...

p/s: aku penat keje kitchen, tapi aku suke kitchen~

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

bulan kambeng hitam...mbeekkkk!!!

mood: crappy, serabut, kepala tingtong~ wehehehe

music: marathon david guetta...sume aku on!!

hari ni da hari ketiga besday aku brlalu, dan usia aku mncecah 24 taun 3 hari..
so, not so much perubahan yg jd, cume emosi makin kuat nk mencarot!! hadeyh, sngguh kurg sopan yer pa'din!! ade yg mkn penampor kalo ko suke mncarot psnih!! =_="

ouh, bile bace blog cik popo yg terlatest nih bt ak tringin nk tau sape aku, si lelaki aries..wuu~ mst bnyk yg bt aku trase (in bad away lah!!) here we go....( ak bold mane yg aku rase best nnt~)

An Aries man is full of surprises and excitement and hates monotony and dullness in life. Romance with him will be like a roller coaster ride, where you don't get even a single moment to think and brood. However, it's better not to expect him to understand that you need some security every now and then. Consistency is something that does not gel well with his characteristics profile. The love of an Aries male will warm you with passion one minute and the very next minute, you may feel as if you are sitting in the North Pole. ( uishh!!)

Don't ever be rude to him, he will be very hurt and will turn into the coldest person on this earth. You will have to start from the scratch again, to get back the comfort level you once shared. He is highly energetic and always full of creative ideas.(ini best dan mmg btul!!!) You will have to keep up with his energy levels and are bound to get tired in the process, atleast mentally. An Aries guy will always remain young at heart (haha, really?), even when he gets 90 years old. Slow moves make him impatient. He is one of those who always move ahead of others, boldly and confidently.

He is generous in the matters of time and money, is full of compassion and always tries to cheer the people (mmg gitu ler aku nih) around him. However, just like a baby, he can get very irritated, inconsiderate and difficult when his needs are not met or get delayed for too long. Negativity annoys him. When an Aries male falls in love, he becomes extremely dedicated ( woahh!! y it hit me directly?!) towards it. If the commitment fails to develop into a successful relationship, he will try his best to salvage it and make it work again. Still, if it breaks up, he will brood over it for sometime.

Then, the sun will again shine for him and he will fall in love again, with the same fierce devotion and loyalty. An Aries man believes in true love and will constantly be in search of it, though it may require mending his heart numerous times (setuju!!) in the process. He will be very passionate in love (yep, definitely) and you will never get the chance to complain about the lack of romance. Right from poetry to candlelight dinners, you will be treated to anything and everything. He is not the one to hold back anything, especially in love.

It is advisable that you don't hold back your emotions too. An Aries guy is very expressive and will expect the same from you. Remember to show that you love him and care for him. You must also learn to behave like the heroine in novels and storybooks. When in love, he is very faithful and way too honest and idealistic to fool you. He was not born to indulge in things like promiscuity or even harmless flirtations. However, if you are not able to cope up with his constant need for enthusiasm and romance, he may try to look somewhere else.

An Aries man will never start another affair behind your back ( girls, pls read this!!). He is one of those who first end old relationships and then move on to the next one. Even before something like this happens, he will let you know that things are not going as smooth as they were. He will try to make things work. Still, if situation doesn't improve or you do not do anything to improve it, he will decide to move on. The key to lasting love is always in your hands. Keep the romance alive and he will never even look at the hottest babe in the block.

If you are trying to get an Aries male interested in you, play hard to get. He loves challenges and will soon be running after you. Don't make the first move or you will lose him forever. He likes to lead in case of love also. However, do not try the jealousy invoking tricks shown in the movies. Forget actual flirting, even a teasing look at another man will make him go thousand miles away from you. He is extremely possessive and exceedingly jealous. An Aries man will want to be your first consideration and cannot tolerate being sidelined for anyone else. He wants you to trust him blindly, but he won't do the same for you.

He wants his freedom and doesn't like being tied down. That's the way he is, take it or leave it. However, you know it's impossible to leave him. He is so loyal, caring, loving, kind and affectionate. There are some Aries men who appear very quiet, but inside, they are as lively and full of life as any other male of this zodiac. Just give them some time and they will soon be their usual Aries self. Aries man is rebellious at heart and loves to go against the conventions. He needs to learn virtues like humility and modesty ( erk??).

The learning process may hurt him and then, he will rush to you to be reassured. Remember to build his bruised ego once again or he will be very hurt. If you want to be with him forever, learn to manage his damaged confidence and show total belief in him. Never ever take the side of someone who is against him, even when he is wrong. You have to love what he loves and hate what he hates. For an Aries man, this is what true love and devotion means. He will give all this to you and expect the same in return.

If he is angry with you, there is no reason to worry for any damage to your relationship. It is his passivity you need to be afraid of. His anger may result in some very harsh and rude words, but it won't last long. He will usually be the first one to say sorry after a fight and will expect you to forgive and forget. You should know that he never meant what he said in anger. An Aries man will always be there for you, to take care of you. However, he will never curb your freedom. He always dominates the house and won't tolerate constant nagging. But then, he is that guy who will romance with you even on your 75th anniversary!!

wahh~ hambek ko pa'din!! ade gak yg terkena...

p/s: aku gigit beskut aku sambil bace nih..heh, ak trpikey cmne la dgn yg laen yer...hihi

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sewaktu dinihari

no entry utk mlm ni..

xde pe nk bt lg...huhu

no story to tell..

satu je perkara yg sentiasa menerjah kat diri ni...kebosanan!!!


p/s: hahaha~ kucing2 ni mmg ngah bosan agknye...

Monday, March 22, 2010

my *snap* partner (^^,)

mood: hepi2 , music: -

yeah~ ni la snap partner teaman yg setia x brbelah bahagi walaupun aku selalu ugut die nk cari lain..uhuhu~ kalo bley ckp, konfem die akn kate i hate u!! =_+,,

nikon FM2 tahun bape ntah...lupe la umo laling..hehehe

ni die pnye set mekap...erk?? bkn2!! set lensa die..huhu..200mm, 210 mm n
55 mm..

haa!!! ni la motip sebenar nk tulis blog nih!! ak dgn x sngaja
trjumpe rare item ni mse dok kalut cari filem utk bt shoot
kat central market. huhu...rege die? RM 16.90...
(cek wallet jap pasal takut x cukup duet!!)

bile da belek2, bru tau asal die...ces, ptt la mahal...ingt dari china..

skali lagi yer ko inteprem kat cni?! xpe...tuan ko x mrh pnye..
huhu...mmg saje die nk tnjuk kat org..hahaha

p/s: da bnyak gak org suh buang die nih, suh pkai dslr....wey, korg reti x amek pkai manual nih? blagak jer ngan digital dslr, sng ckp tgn korg mmg goyang ar!!! x bedung mase kecik!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

24 tahun 30 minit

mood: moody turn on n off...and on again!! , music: buat sang puteri, spider

tiap tahun mcm nih..wish besday pd diri sndiri..haha~
mane taknye..ak sndir pun brahsia bile pd perkara nih, bg ak kureng penting la..
psl mak abah aku x mngaja aku utk sambut besday dr kecik...
so, bg aku bkn prkara penting..cume ak jd makin tua, n makin singkat mase kat dunia nih..

kdg2 ak rase sebak gak..xde sape yg nk ingt besday aku..
tapi hnya brtahan selama bbrape minit jer..pas tu aku lupe la.. =_="

tapi serius ak ckp...mlm ni ak mmg rase sebak gile..mase balik keje td nanges ats moto..
mmg x boley thn lg la airmate tuh...da mcm hujan dah..
smpai umah, mmber ajk lepak mamak...ok la, die kate nk smbut besday...ceh, mamak je ke? bwk la aku g menara key el ke....mkn kat restoran berpusing tuh...berpusing ak nnt..haha!!

n skg ni, mase entry ni ditulis, umo aku da masuk 24 tahun 1 jam 20 minit.....
skg ak nk lupakan hidup ak yg lepas..jd org baru esok, dgn niat hati yg suci n murni..haha

P/s: tq pade apis, miss amalina, aris n naz psl wish aku!! x lupe pd mak an adik2 yg ingt besday abg...nex time abg blikan adiah utk korg yer!! tnggu gaji besar sket la!!


Friday, March 19, 2010

mood: gile bapak hepi!!! , music: memories, kid cudi feat david guetta

yeah yeah!!! tututuutuuuttttt...hahaha (verse kid cudi yg aku lyn abes!!)

seiringan dgn itu aku nk mnyatakan mngapa aku sngt jd hepi hr ni:

1. da dapt cermin mate baru...walaupun bese saje tanpa stylish sngt, ia ttap mncecah RM 200. yeah~ gaji aku separo utk itu..uhuhuhu

2. suda grant itu wish mase form 5..suda dpt lesen keta..wihehehe~

oukeyh..tu aku ttap mnjadi hepi sehepi yg gile2!!

abah!! abg nk kete sebijik...kelisa seken pun jd la..huhu

p/s: lesen osama tu mcm cilanat..prank!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

mood: heart throbbing , music: every morning, basshunter

hr ni, aku nanges...ya, menangis!!
mmg xtau nape, tp hati ni rase sebak giler....tup2 meleleh airmata...
da bdk2 perasan aku menangis...huuhuu

tp tkde la smpai tersedu sedan bagai nk rak...juz mngalir je..
hilang hensem aku jap..huhu
tp xpe ar, aku puas...hilang beban berkilo kilo kat dada nih!! (^^,)

p/s: ade customer nmpak, seb bek pndai cover..kalo x malu la tngk llaki mnangis!! cess....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

enter the alphabet...

mood: so so jer, music: ikut rentak mase kat tmpat keje( goyang inul!!)

tq pada huda yg psg lagu tu kat fon die..haha!! best gile lyn bosan nih...hadeyhh~
kene lak ade hadi yg mmg gile bt mnde pelik2, ilang bosan aku utk sepanjang 4 jam terakhir d tmpat keje. woottt~ aku suke!!!

ngemas2 dan kemas2 sume td, cepat2 nk balik. lepak2 jap ngan akak jiran kedai, men sudoku sepapan....aku pening dah~ weh, kire hebat gak la kalo pas level 10....huhu

owhh~ =_="

ak da mule nk mngarut, so nex entry lg nnt...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

keje sambil tido?? hebat~~

hoh? agknye gini la rupe ak trtido td..haha =_="

gile!! customer yg kejut ak bgn dr di buai mmpi..."bang oo bang...nk air melo bungkus satu!" seb ak x dmalukan dgn air liur meleleh mahupun dengkuran..ces ko pa'din!!!
bt lg yer nnt..haha

pstuh hr ni punye keje dmulakan dgn tngk drama swasta tanpa pnerbit...helemak!! da la aku punch lmbat lg hr ni ( budget x lewat tp aku ley lak makan angin mase g keje!!)
jln citer drama tu sngt la skematik+kependekan akal. bongok gak la, geli hati pun kesian la kat heroin, menangis psl takut...da la mngandung...haishh, pe la..

suda la, kasi out juga..
nex entry pun mst ade, psl da mule gile blog!! >_<


Monday, March 15, 2010

mnggile camni ha.....

mood: dup dap dup dap

da nk jumaat!!! woo, tenang2 diri pa'din. sonang yo test JPJ tu nnt...
gile!! aku da mcm x ingt pe tah.. =_="

ttibe tringt, pesal la aku jd rajin plak nk update site nih...dulu gile malas...
mngkin aku da brada d tahap busan yg tinggi kot..tu g gatal asek nk mnulis kat cni jer. haishh~~

keje hr ni, aku bnyk men..dan aku jd sngt tak amek peduli. sangat la rase cam nk mngharam jadahkan sgalanye. apeda~ ingt server ni org yg kene tau sgalanye ke? xkan stok abes pun kitorg yg nk kene bgtau? gini la gayenye mmg aku bakar la kedai tu..


Sunday, March 14, 2010

mood: a bit bored to death, music: hindustan??,hape ke pelik choices mlm ni... =_="

lame btul nk pk untuk entry mlm ni...smlm pun x msuk, jd agk trkumpul la citer nih..
flashback jap ape yg da jd smlm..*flash* *flash* *flash*

*_________________* blank

aisey, xpe la....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

saturday go go day~~

music: miss independent, neyo mood: really2 tired n happy

okeh, aku penat hr ni!! ingt sbtu la hri mau lepak dgn brtemankan bntal smpai tnghari bute, aleh2 ade jnji dgn org..hah!! maka brsiap la dgn kadar serileks yg oh nk bgn pepagi cuti nih...haha

so g shah alam, amek bas u80 g bangsar....cek tepon de msj masuk n trus aku rse cam nk mnyumpah!!! last minit kensel!!! shitt!! da halfway kot ak dlm bas salah aku gak psl tuka no fon...ko mmg kdekut la pa'din..bli la satu enset cikai utk ltk no lg satu tuh..ey, mls la nk pkai enset bnyk2...ssh nk bwk...satu suda!! lantak ko!!

mmg pth balik la n x psl2 rm5 mlayang utk trip shah alam>bangsar>shah mkn lg sedap tuh =_=,

seb bek la ade yg boleh d ajak kuar...xpe la, atleast x sia2 aku dtg shah alam hr ni..(^^,)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

aku benci waktu yg da lepas!!!

kenapa la aku rse cam ringan jer mulut nih nk carutkan sesuatu...=.="
emosi x stabil kot...


ape yg da jd? meh aku listkan..

1. lappy aku xley receive package data internet..damn!!!

2. test JPJ postpone lg...hape bodo la, takat kurang 2 hari je pun x kasi lepas..kedekut dan bodo!!!

3. cermin mata baru pun x siap lg..hangin!!! tapi xpe ar, blum bayar lg pun...hee~

4. pantang aku ngah sibuk membaca org kacau!!! mmg kene carut la, x kire la sape ko...
p/s: carutan tu hanya dalam hati yg brbunyik!!

5. aku da makin bosan dgn keje partime aku..

6. aku x dapat kumpul duet lg bulan ni, maka tergendala lg budget dslr aku..!!

fuhh~ lega sikit..
ringan kepala yg berat fikir psl sume nih...xpe, aku akn selesaikan sume tu secepat mungkin. dan mungkin akan cube mnyukai kembali keje partime tuh...hanya kerana aku nk kumpul duet..

buzz out!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

where oh where..................??

1. felt so bosannnnnn~ for this evening...where should i take this to?

2. tau2 sedar da pukul 6 ptg....( trtido rupenye, cess)

3. g dinner with kengkawan...

4. ape cuti aku hr ni sngt mmbosankan ke? =.=''

5. on FB n check ape yg ptt....

P/S: besok keje pg pa'din, so tdo awl mlm ni!!!

...................... ~_~"

Sunday, March 7, 2010


mood: sway me more~~ music: sway, micheal buble

last weekend, pg bandar-i (i-city)...tngk2 lampu yg brbentuk pokok dan lelain..
well, here some of it...

ni dlm pukul 7 ptg....still rmai org lg dok lepak amek pic...

da stat on owhh....mcm dunia avatar!!!

kene la amek pic jugak~ haha


fatma, mitty dan aku...(erk, nape aku ade ekspresi mcm tu?)


dan tamat la hr cuti aku pd hr tu...=.="

sok suda keje, shif pun, mekasih pd fatma yg snggup amek aku yg jauh ni..huhu

end of out!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

late nite with me ~.~

mood: mcm mau jumping all over, music: *humming* out of tune~

1. masuk kitchen hr ni..sngt x puas hati!!!

2. rase mau tendang org, tp xde org kat sekeliling *looking vigorously* aghhh!!!!!


4. another part of me slalu cakap: "pa'din, jom bt something yg best!"

5. tp mst yg lg satu akan mnghalang...

buzz out~~

Friday, March 5, 2010

2nd day on blog page....

1. hah!! finally got something to write (^^) ~yeah~~

2. got dream last nite, really funny though....haha

3. got JPJ test nex friday, on 12 march....hmm, mintak le lepas dgn senang

4. about da dream, umm~~ bt test JPJ dgn care yg baru...test bape laju boleh men cilok lori dan boley bt drift ke tak...haha, best kalo tu reality...

5. kuar jmpe kwn lame nex sat, hopefully gaji da masuk >.<

6. ptt ke tak utk beli dslr? (slalu x cukup budget utk ini!!)

7. end of transmission

Thursday, March 4, 2010


first impression bile masuk cni buat sekian kali:


2. ape yg aku nk tulis yer? ~.~

3. =.=

4. serabut lak nk cari idea utk mnulis nih..choii!!